RCKC Construction Update for the Week of 8-28-2023

(posted Aug 24, 2023)

Click the image above for an apporoximate map of active construction/workzones (various construction, emergency work, general maintenance, etc, may be occurring on roads not listed)


Road Commission of Kalamazoo County Weekly Project Updates 

Sign up for RCKC CONNECT to receive message alerts for road construction, road closures/detours, and general public news from the Road Commission of Kalamazoo County website at: www.kalamazoocountyroads.com

Kalamazoo, MI- 

In an effort to keep local drivers informed of the latest traffic and road maintenance operations by the Road Commission, we have provided the following update for the week of August 28, 2023. For further information call 269-381-3171 or visit RCKC website www.kalamazoocountyroads.com.

“This information is made available to assist motorists in planning for construction delays,” Joanna Johnson, Managing Director of the Road Commission said. “Motorists are reminded to be alert, slow down, stay informed, and be cautious when approaching a work zone. Remember, these projects signify progress in improving our infrastructure!”

Please note: This information is subject to change. Projects, road closures and timing can change from day to day, depending upon a number of factors, and traffic delays can develop in a matter of minutes due to weather conditions, emergency situations, etc.

Comstock Township

Road: Oran Avenue - 26th Street to School Street, School Street - 200' south of Oran Street to Oran Street
Current Status:  For the week of 8/28/2023 Concrete/ hot mix asphalt (HMA) removal and drainage improvements
Detour: None
Project Information: This project design includes reconstructing the road by crushing the old road surface, placing new asphalt, updating drainage, and widening the shoulder.
Start Date: July 26, 2023
End Date: August 31, 2023


Road: Chubb Avenue - 300' west of 26th Street to 26th Street
Current Status: For the week of 8/28/2023 Concrete/ HMA removal and drainage improvements
Detour: None
Project Information: This project design includes reconstructing the road by crushing the old road surface, placing new asphalt, updating drainage, and widening the shoulder.
Start Date: July 26, 2023
End Date: August 31, 2023


Road: Parcom Street - 280' south of M-96 to M-96
Current Status: For the week of 8/28/2023 Concrete/ HMA removal and drainage improvements
Project Information: This project includes tree removal, pulverizing, milling, fine grading, and
HMA Base and Surface Paving.
Start Date: May 1, 2023
End Date: August 31, 2023


Kalamazoo Township

Road: Lake Street - City of Kalamazoo Limits to Olmstead Road 
Current Status: For the week of Week of 8/28/2023, roadway, watermain, and storm sewer construction continues east of Lamont St.
Detour: Road closed to through traffic during the project. The detour route is BL I-94, Branch Street, Vine Street, and Mills Street. Please use the Olmstead Avenue entrance during construction for the Kalamazoo County Expo Center
Project Information: This collaborative project has us partnering with the City of Kalamazoo
and Kalamazoo Township to finish design work for water main replacement, sanitary sewer replacement, sidewalk installation, and complete road reconstruction with the project.
Start Date: March 20, 2023
End Date: December 2, 2023


Pavilion Township
Road: T Avenue - Sprinkle Road to 1,478' east of Sprinkle Road
Current Status: Awaiting pavement markings
Detour: Closed to Thru Traffic
Project Information: The current roadway will be pulverized back to gravel, fine graded,
rolled for compaction, and double chip sealed for the new surface.
Start Date: May 8, 2023
End Date: August 31, 2023


Prairie Ronde Township
Road: 11th Street - XY Avenue to 2,800' north of XY Avenue; 10th Street - 2,800' north of 11th Street to VW Avenue
Current Status: Tree Trimming and Removal Complete
Detour: Closed to Thru Traffic
Project Information: A variety of different gravel materials will be used throughout the road
and tested to see what shows the best results.
Start Date: June 12, 2023
End Date: October 31, 2023

Road: 7th Street - 2,640' south of YZ Avenue to YZ Avenue
Current Status: Tree Trimming and Removal Complete
Detour: Closed to Thru Traffic
Project Information: New gravel will be applied to the road, fine graded, and compacted for
a new roadway surface
Start Date: June 12, 2023
End Date: October 31, 2023


Schoolcraft Township

Road: Barton Drive - North Barton Lake Drive to Clyde Street, Clyde Street - Portage Road to North Barton Lake Drive
Current Status: Fog Seal of centerline joint week of 08/28/2023
Detour: Traffic will be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project includes asphalt milling, paving, and restoration.
Start Date: August 1, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023


Road: Jimmy Drive - Jo-Fran Avenue to Portage Road, Melissa Court - 484' west of Jimmy Drive to Jimmy Drive
Current Status: Raising manholes & fog seal of centerline joint week of 08/28/2023
Detour: Traffic will be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project indluces adjusting manholes, asphalt milling, paving, and restoration.
Start Date: August 1, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023


Road: South Barton Lake Drive - Portage Road to 2,500' north of Portage Road
Current Status: Fog Seal of centerline joint week of 08/28/2023
Detour: Traffic will be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project includes adjusting manholes, aspahlt milling, paving, and restoration.
Start Date: August 1, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023



Texas Township

Road: 6th Street - R Avenue to Q Avenue
Current Status: Placing Culverts and Driveway approach removals Week of 08/28/2023
Detour: Traffic will be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project includes tree trimming & removal, drainage improvements, asphalt overlay paving, shoulder gravel, and restoration.
Start Date: July 24, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023


Road: R Avenue - Vankal Street to 2nd Street
Current Status: Milling of approaches at intersections & paving week of 08/21/2023.
Detour: Traffic will be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project includes tree trimming & removal, drainage improvements,
asphalt overlay paving, shoulder gravel, and restoration.
Start Date: May 22, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023

Road: R Avenue - 2nd Street to 6th Street
Current Status: Milling of approaches at intersections & paving week of 08/28/2023.
Detour: Traffic wil be maintained with flagging operation. Periodic delays should be expected.
Project Information: This project includes tree trimming & removal, drainage improvements,
asphalt overlay paving, shoulder gravel, and restoration.
Start Date: July 8, 2023
End Date: September 30, 2023


Wakeshma Township

Road: 40th Street - Z Avenue to X Avenue
Current Status: Tree work completed
Detour: Traffic will be maintained
Project Information: New gravel will be placed throughout the road and fine graded back.
Start Date: August 1, 2023
End Date: October 31, 2023

Road: Art Martin Street - W Avenue to 300' north of White Lawn Street, White Lawn Street - 315' west of Art Martin Street to 42nd Street
Current Status: For the week of Week of 8/28/2023 there will be drainage improvements and possible driveway adjustments.
Detour:  None
Project Information:  This project includes tree removal, pulverizing, milling, fine grading, and HMA Base and Surface Paving.
Start Date:  July 26, 2023
End Date:  August 31, 2023



County Wide Projects
Road: Crack filling on various roads in Kalamazoo County
Current Status: Crack fill will continue the week of 8/28/2023 starting in Comstock Township and progressing counterclockwise throughout the county.
Detour: Traffic to be maintained during project. This is a mobile operation, temporary traffic regulators may be necessary and slight delays are possible.
Project Information: Cleaning of dirt and debris from cracks in asphalt and sealing with
Start Date: April 10, 2023
End Date: November 30, 2023

Road: Hot Mix Asphalt Wedging on various roads in Kalamazoo County
Current Status: Project wedging complete
Detour: Traffic to be maintained during project. Temporary traffic regulators may be necessary.
Project Information: Placing short stretches of asphalt pavement to bridge small areas of
excessive cracking or to correct road slope.
Start Date: May 15, 2023
End Date: November 30, 2023


Road:  Pavement Marking on various roads in Kalamazoo County
Current Status:  Pavement markings installation on projects countywide.
Detour:  Expect delays in work zones. Please do not follow pavement marking operations too close, as to avoid potential paint on vehicles.
Project Information: Pavement Marking
Start Date: May 8, 2023
End Date: November 15, 2023


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